I would hope for more moments where they would sober up to do the money cheat. - Politely Dangerous
so that's why I keep wanting to put the wood chairs in front of the fireplace after starting a fire...-CaptMerengie
Ohhhh that explains EVERYTHING!-Me
That would explain everything! Northern lights, George W. Bush, the French. Yeah, everything makes perfect sense now.-alpha.omega
I would not be surprised- Face without a name
No surprise there-Loser
That would be WICKED! Then it would be a drunken alien playing a video game of a drunken human playing a video game about getting the sims drunk! Paradox, man!-InfernoSlam
Meh. Go along with it. We always knew someone was controlling us. He's called GOD. Now we know for sure that he's been drunk when some real shit has happened.-Arthur, King of the Britons
Do I get to keep all the Quarters he spends?-Slick Willy