Pass- pickernose
If I did, I would probably break out into the song La Vie Boheme from Rent. I imagine it would wake up my family and I doubt they'd jump on the tables and break out into the song with me. They'd actually probably take me to get an HIV test instead.- pickernose
They wouldn't join in. My mum is cleaning. Carrot juicer.- sarcopenia
My bf. Totally!- yay me!
No one would hear me. My parents are old, so don't blame them for their deafness. My dog is out cold, (shouldn't have fed him that beer in mid afternoon) , the ghost in my house seems to be the only one that will join me. Owh wells.Dead people sing the best after all.- wonka
I have a Nine Inch Nails song in my head. I just went to their concert. My brother is in the next room. He went to the concert, too. I doubt he'd join in, but I know he'd look at me weird as I recite this whispered part of the song, which goes, "WeWouldNeverTellYouAnythingThatWasn'tAbsolutelyTrueThatHadn'tComeRightFromHisMouthAndHeWasMadeToTellYou."- McDiablo
Yeah, and yes she would absolutely burst into song. I could stop and walk out and she would keep on singing.- quelthasas
Well, the last time I tried to sing, I ended up running through the woods naked and being chased by a redneck with a shotgun, so, no I doubt they would join in.- Anon
First, I would like to point out that the song would most likely be "I Kissed a Girl," and it would most likely lead to a room full of people throwing beer bottles at me and me lying in a puddle of my own urine instead of people actually singing along.- Streak9
My neighbours may hear me but I doubt very much if they would join in. Mostly because I'd probably break into the rousing chorus of some obscure alternative rock song.- Mzebonga
hell yess!EVERYONE can hear the mighty goddess perfect voice in the crystal night sky! or perhaps not. if someone starts to insult me, i shall then eliminate them with my death ray vision ( being a goddess and all or maybe a superhero).so they can hear me sing and i won't feel a thing since they're all become ghost.- discovering the gayness within
If there were anyone to hear me, they'd at least appreciate it and listen. - papabug
Yes, yes.- Thrash
I burst into song about twenty minutes ago and nobody heard me, much less cared enough to join in. 'Twas a good song though, Everyday is Exactly the Same, so true and yet so disheartening.- Alyra
Sorry to disappoint but i am very VERY awesome at singing!So everyone in the whole damn world shall join forth in my lovely melody~! JOY TO THE WORLD LET ME RULE THE EARTH- santa my ass
No I'm going to the bathroom- donnyg
Oh they'd hear me and yea they probably would join in because they have been drinking too. Okay well one of them would join in and the other would throw things at me until I shut the hell up. Which is probably best because I can't sing too well.- cold hearted BITCH
No.- Smee
Yes someone would hear me and I would sing "Its peanutbutter jelly time". Damn right they'd join in.- Hal Apeno