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if you could give
anyone (besides yourself) a million dollars, What form of dollars? Many many many countries call their currency "dollar". You should specify so I'll have a better idea of what they'd purchase with it. I don't know how well DC handles his money.- Kitten
the guy that doesnt shut up.- irish psycho
silence please...i'm trying to emote...ummm...i'll give it to my parents...why?...well you cant very much keep it in the family if you give it to others, can you? hello! 1m is 1m, ok!- leigh
to the hottest babe i can find and make her my sex slave and my care taker, under the pretext of she would get at the end of the 'relationship' at least $100G for herself or any balance left after i had sex with her all over the world, traveling first class and all and before i fly high to the sky and and say to the world bye bye.- hill My worste enemy because I know he would kill himself with it because he is a crack headed fuck up and it would save me the trouble...And maybe he'd give me a little rock before his over dose for being so generous......- SlaveScream I will give to you guys so that you could start your own politictal party and run for the elections with DC as president and call it "theinsanecampaign".- DZ
a baby. that way i could kill it and take the money- skulleosis Most definitly someone who doesn't deserve it in the least. Probably Vanilla Ice. Oh wait, perhaps George Bush is less deserving. Yes, that will do.- Nelson
does my twin count?...if so..i'd give it to my twin...- SG* my kids..so they could leave me the hell alone about money- dolly the other me. can i say fuck? fuck. thankx - s.j.m. no. 1 i would give it to you, because i LOVE how you think and I know you would do a lot of good stuff to our world with it...- Germs
Give it to that evil sock-monkey in the white house's secret service agents, so that they'd look the other way when I walked into his room at night and shred him to ribbons with my toe nails. I'd then replace him with a blown up, pixelized, cut-out image of one of those big pink naked monsters from DOOM™ that run around and punch you; Except, I'd dress it in a nightcap and trousers and strap a tape recorder on the back that loops the song "Louie Louie".- --G.Rasputin Actually, I'd try to have fun with it. I'd go into a crowded area and announce I have the cash. Then I say, "Whoever gets it...gets it." throw it into the air and step back.- weirddar
i'd give it to kermit the frog cuz it ain't easy being green- SiNiSTaR
Someone I really hate. That way it would lull them into a false sense of security. Once i had discovered that they'd put me in their will, I wouldn't feel bad about killing them, I hated them anyways.- ferretchick my cat....... since she is in my custody.- patty I would give it to you because my lips are permanently attached to your ass.- Oopa The Church so they can afford to get new priests. Or at least entice them with the free education they used to offer.- Oopa One of those book burning Christian groups as a test to see if they'll spend the money helping the needy or waste it on censorship. She hasn't smited someone in the longest time...- Angel My spouse, because then I still get the money.- Boonchandi my other personality because she shares.- Trixie
I would give my million dollars to Mother Theresea.... bcuz then i wud tell her im poor and schmo, then shed have to give it back to me... hooray for people like mother theresea that r nice and stuff....and give people money for no reason....yea!- JimBoBob to the pimp for chelsy clinton- abdu
Some one I was best friends with so they could buy me a really big Christmas and birthday present with all the money I just gave them.- Aimee a homeless person, not any kind of homeless person, they would need to be criminally insane or have severe ticks, both preferred. i would just wanna see what they would do with all that money, it would be great.- duch bag My cat. Because he couldn't really use it and I'd have to spend it for him. No actually, I'd give it to Fred. Fred is cool.- frolic is a funny word jon cause he is poor- Keli I should say you, for the green face but im not puting my face anywhere near your ass.So, i have to say i would give it to mr.rogers, he is my childhood hero afterall and for all that endless entartainment he gave, id shove all that money in his cold dead mouth to show much he meant to me.- Spaggetti Is Better ThenMacironi my dog....wat the hell is it gonna do with a million dollars...he'll just give it to me- me
I'd give it to whoever is the head of the Society For The Prevention Of Any More Jacksons. I know the rules are to give them all of the million, but I'd keep a couple of dollars for a Biggie Sized order from Wendy's.- mahatma my imaginary friends so they would give it back to me. haha you suck.- Me i would give it to cristina agulara so she could buy some new cloths and not have to shop at the Harlem Hookers oportunity store anymore...i really feel sorry for her... it must be hard being such a skank.- Britney Spears I'd give it to the Vice Chancellor of my unoiversity, in the hopes of actually being able to graduate with a decent class of degree.- EP (back after a very long break) I'd give it to Gretchen, my sock monkey, in hopes that it will help her through her travels in hell. - ferretchick my modem, so it can buy a new hip- ninja if i could give a million dollars to anybody, i owuld give it to my father so he can put it in the bank, and when he dies, i will get all of it. In that time it should accumulate into a bit more that a million dollars, and it would still end up being MINE !- -Me I'd give it to my bestest pal in the whole world. I t- oh wait...that was just a wonderful dream...I don't have any friends...anyway not since..the unpleasantness...so I forgot to put some airholes in the jar. So what?- FartMonkey
shut up, i give it to me motherbitch... ME - BritneySpears